- Introduction to Cybersecurity Management、鎌田 敬介、英語訳
- iTranslate or iWrite? A case study of H. Yoneyama’s picture book self-translation. In Dore M. (eds.) Humour in Self-Translation. Amsterdam: John Bengamins.
- Identifying the language skill of consecutive interpreters. Towards the development of recommendations on language choices in interpreters’ notes. International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 7, 33-44.
- Translating Sounds: A Study into the Russian-Language Translations of Onomatopoeic Proper Names in the Twentieth-Century English-Language Children’s Literature. In: Dybiec-Gajer J., Oittinen R., Kodura M. (eds) Negotiating Translation and Transcreation of Children’s Literature. New Frontiers in Translation Studies. Springer, Singapore
- Reconsidering the contents of interpreters’ notes: A human-centered approach to classification. Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting, 6, 1, 1-25.
- Language as a mediator: A study into the decoding and encoding in consecutive interpretation, single presenter, 6thYoung Linguists’ Meeting in Poznan (YLMP 2018), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, 23-25/11/2018.
- The means of translation of onomatopoeia proper names on the material of children’s literary fairy tales of the 20stcentury, single presenter, From Morals to the Macabre in Translation for Children, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland, 4, 5/4/2018
- ‘Where is the Real World?’ English Translations of Magical Food in Miyuki Miyabe’s Brave Story, single presenter, 2022 Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, 10-13/3/2022.